ROADSIDE REVEGETATION—An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants


An Interactive Approach

The Roadside Revegetation training modules provides a guided learning experience that teaches basic revegetation principals using text explanation, video, illustrations, interactive activities, and quizzes. The modules are intended to complement the Technical Guide but may be used for stand alone training.

Each module will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. Information in each module builds upon the modules that precede it. If you are new to revegetation, it is recommended that you work through the modules in consecutive order.

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Training Modules

Download Current and Innovative Solutions to Roadside Revegetation Using Native Plants: A Domestic ScanPDF File, which describes a sampling of nationwide revegetation practices.
View The Art & Science of Revegetation video, which provides an overview of how roadside revegetation process can be integrated in the transportation project life cycle.
Search the Resource Library Database to find practical and applied information for planning, implementing, and monitoring restoration projects with specific emphasis on the western United States.