An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat
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Roadside Revegetation
An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat
Draft Version 1.2 — September 2017

Draft Version 1.2 — September 2017
Contributing Authors
Amit Armstrong, Ph.D., P.E., Federal Highway Administration
Robin Christians, WSP USA
Vicky Erickson, USDA, Forest Service
Jennifer Hopwood, Xerces Society
Matt Horning, Ph.D., USDA, Forest Service
John Kern, Ph.D., Kern Statistical Services
Tienna Kim, WSP USA
Andrea Kramer, Ph.D., The Chicago Botanic Garden
Tom Landis, Ph.D., Native Plant Nursery Consulting
Lynda Moore, USDA, Forest Service
Deirdre Remley, Federal Highway Administration
Lee Riley, United States Forest Service
Scott Riley, United States Forest Service
Shane Roberts, WSP USA
Mark Skinner, Ph.D., USDA, Forest Service
David Steinfeld, Native Restoration Consulting
Todd Teuscher, WSP USA
Abbey White, The Chicago Botanic Garden
Kim Wilkinson, Environmental Management Specialist
Technical Review Committee
Stacey Armstrong, Missouri Department of Transportation
Michael Banovich, Colorado Department of Transportation
Marella Buncick, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Erin Chipps, FHWA
Cara Farr, US Forest Service
Opal Forbes, FHWA
Kristin Gade, Arizona Department of Transportation
Robin Gregory, National Park Service
Juli Hartwig, Washington State Department of Transportation
Laurie Effinger, Oklahoma Department of Transportation
Christina Markeson, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Dennis Markwardt, Texas Department of Transportation
Robert Marshall, Oregon Department of Transportation
Mark Masteller, Iowa Department of Transportation
Mark Mousseaux, Bureau of Land Management
Deirdre Remley, FHWA
Kevin Rose, FHWA
Sandy Salisbury, Washington State Department of Transportation
Nancy Shaw, US Forest Service
Scott Shields, Kansas Department of Transportation
Scott Smithline, FHWA
Ken Stella, National Park Service
Carlos Swonke, Texas Department of Transportation
Christine Taliga, National Park Service
Kelly Wade, FHWA
Cover photo courtesy of Jennifer Hopwood
Roadside Revegetation: An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat

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