An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat



Chapter 3: Planning

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Defining Revegetation Objectives

3.3 Gathering Pre-field Information

3.3.1 Climate Pre-Field Assessment

3.3.2 Soils Pre-Field Assessment

3.3.3 Vegetation Pre-Field Assessment

3.3.4 Pollinators Pre-Field Assessment

3.3.5 Road Plans

3.4 Defining Revegetation Units

3.5 Identifying Reference Sites

3.6 Gathering Field Information

3.6.1 Vegetation Field Assessment

3.6.2 Soils Field Assessment

3.6.3 Pollinator Field Assessment

3.7 Defining the Desired Future Condition

3.8 Identifying Limiting Factors to Plant Establishment

3.8.1 Water Input

3.8.2 Available Water Storage and Accessibility

3.8.2 Available Water Storage and Accessibility

3.8.3 Water Loss

3.8.4 Nutrient Cycling

3.8.5 Surface Stability

3.8.6 Slope Stability

3.9 Identifying Factors that Affect Pollinators

3.9.1 Nectar and Pollen Sources

3.9.2 Breeding Habitat

3.9.3 Nesting Habitat

3.9.4 Water Sources

3.9.5 Shelter and Overwintering

3.9.6 Landscape Connectivity

3.9.7 Road Mortality

3.9.8 Vegetation Management

3.10 Inventorying of Site Resources

3.10.1 Topsoil

3.10.2 Duff and Litter

3.10.3 Subsoil and Parent Material

3.10.4 Woody Material

3.11 Developing a Vegetation Management Strategy during Project Design

3.11.1 Introduction

3.11.2 Integrating Road Maintenance Objectives into the Revegetation Plan

3.11.3 Protecting Healthy Plant Communities

3.11.4 Creating a Weed-Resistant Roadside Environment

3.11.5 Keeping Weed Sources from Entering the Project

3.11.6 Controlling Unwanted Vegetation

3.11.7 Designing for Safety and Utility Protection

3.11.8 Designing to Isolate Wildlife from Vehicles

3.11.9 Designing for Disturbances

3.11.10 Designing for Carbon Sequestration

3.12 Selecting Site Improvement Treatments

3.13 Selecting Plant Species for Propagation

3.13.1 Developing a Potential Plant Species List

3.13.2 Ensure Local Adaptation and Maintain Genetic Diversity

3.14 Select Plant Establishment Methods

3.14.1 Selecting Plant Materials

3.14.2 Determine Outplanting Windows

3.15 Develop a Revegetation Plan